Welcome & Introduction

MOTIVATE is a Cleveland based 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization whose goal is to create an environment in which all are given the tools, experiences, and resources needed to help them thrive and succeed. We understand the importance of the mentorship process, and how it evolves throughout maturity. We know that mentorship does not stop at a certain age, and encourage all to continue to instill in others what has been taught to them.

A tree is used to symbolize M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E’s growth, and the many facets involved when it comes to mentorship and development. Similar to the branches that grow out from a tree, our five keys initiatives connect to each of our programs. Our passion for making a difference and change in the lives of others grounds our organization and is similar to that of a tree’s roots. The stronger the roots of the tree, the bigger the tree is able to grow and provide resources for everyone.


Meet Our Executive Director